Going Away – I Promise!

Before I leave for my vacation, I thought I’d give everyone a quick update on the search for an agent.  (If Jay Bob is reading this – which is highly unlikely – I am going to go on vacation.  Winter will not arrive early or be hard.)  Anywho, here is where we (I) stand.

We’re up to 27 rejections!  (Thank you last agent for sending a rejection this morning before my vacation.)  I have 4 queries still out there waiting fro responses.  I’m pretty confused on three.  Now, usually no response means “I don’t like you.”  These agents asked for a self-addressed stamped envelope to send my rejection in.  Like a good little girl, I sent the query letter and the envelope.  Everyone else has heard back from these agents within a couple of weeks.  I’m still waiting for my SASE to come in the mail.  It’s been two months.  Yeah, I know.  Just admit that I have been rejected.  I’d just like my envelope back before my vacation, please!  Oh well, life shall go on.

Well, off to work on the rewritten query letter for one last time.  Then my husband is threatening to get a safe-deposit box at a bank to put my computer in for the next two weeks.  Wanna bet I can still find a way to work on stuff?  Have a great couple of weeks.  Don’t forget to read Lisa and Judith’s posts.

-Amanda Nicole